
today im writing about a hooliehoops game

that day i wasnt up to it so i sat down and laughed at everyone cause its really imbarrsing

dna extraction

i learnt how to extract DNA



  1. Mush some banana (no skin) in a zip lock bag with a splash of water and a small teaspoon of salt.
  2. Strain the solution through a cloth into a beaker.
  3. Add a squirt of dishwashing liquid and stir.
  4. Pour into a test tube.
  5. Place the test tube in a beaker filled with WARM water.
  6. Leave for 10mins.
  7. Slowly pour 5mL of ethanol down the inside of the test tube.
  • Safety Glasses
  • Banana
  • test tubes
  • plastic bag
  • salt
  • Warm water
  • Cold Ethanol
  • cloth to strain
  • Soap


Friends Assessment

Assessment -Ace
Read the story
Can you tell me what is wrong in the friendship
How does it make Felix feel?
What should … do to make the friendship good again?

Everyday Ben and Bob play together at school. But Ben started hanging out with his other friends and didn’t invite Bob to play. Bob is now sitting by himself at lunch time alone. What should Bob do?

What is the issue?
Bob didnt get invited to play with ben

How does it make Bob feel? – can you find me a picture to go along with it
Bob feels sad and lonely

What should Bob do?
Ask to go play with ben

Ace assessment DDA

In Health, we have been learning about Death, Dying, and the Afterlife. We have learned about some different cultural beliefs and traditions and how to cope when things happen.


My topic is about cholera which is a deadly illness. 


I learned that you need to wash your hands and that flys can carry around cholera i also learned that you need to clean the water and to wash the food protect you food from flys and not to shit in the open because if it gets in the water people can die cholera is in water.

Find 1 picture for each number that shows:


1– What you do when change happens.


2- What you do when you’re upset. 


3- What you do when you lose someone/something important to you.

sit down at important places – represent somebody

I was respectful when im respectful to the teachers 


Aim: To make an electromagnet

Research: youtube video


  • Big nail
  • Wires with alligator clips
  • Variable resistor
  • Power Supply
  • paperclips
  • sellotape


  1. Wrap one wire around the nail as much as possible, and sellotape it so that it doesn’t unroll. This is the electromagnet.
  2. Connect the power supply in series to the variable resistor and the electromagnet.
  3. Change the voltage on the power supply, and the resistance on the variable resistor so that the electromagnet works.
  4. Pick up some paperclips.
  5. Take a photo of everything for your results.

Results: Photos of everything, and the magnet holding up the paperclip.


  1. How many paperclips did you pick up?
  2. Is that a strong magnet?
  3. How could you make a stronger electromagnet?
  4. What happens when you turn the power supply off?
  5. How do electromagnets work?
  6. How do electric motors work?

Lemon battery

Aim: To make electricity with a Lemon

Research: youtube video


  • Lemon
  • Galvanised Nail
  • Copper strip
  • Voltmeter
  • Two wires with alligator clip ends


  1. Put the nail into the lemon
  2. Put the copper strip into the lemon
  3. Use the wires to connect each metal piece to the two terminals of the voltmeter.

Results: photo of your lemon circuit


  1. What should you do if you don’t get a reading on the voltmeter?
  2. What should you do if the voltmeter goes negative?
  3. What is the reading on the voltmeter?
  4. How could you get a higher reading on the voltmeter?
  5. What happens if you connect a lot of lemon cells in series into a battery?
  6. Why does this work (think of the two different metals – Zinc and Copper)